
Co-Edo Morning English on 11/27

  Only 3 members joined this time. It's few members than usual.


  We tried roleplay of a movie "Social Network" as I mentioned. And we checked in to see the phrases of the scene. Even if it consists of simple words, it's hard to understand the nuance of the phrase for me.


  "You're welcome to some salad?"

  Marylin said this to Mark at lunchtime since he didn't have a lunch. In Japan, many people think that "you're welcome" is used only for response to thank. But it have a nuance of inviting or offering.

  Markがランチタイムに昼食を取っていなかったので、MarylinがMarkにこう言いました。日本では多くの人が「you're welcome」は感謝に対する返答でしか使われないと思っていますが、「遠慮せずに~してください、あなたが~することを歓迎します」というニュアンスも持っているようです。(You're welcome to come along if you like. 「よかったら一緒に行きましょうよ。」

"They don't have roads, but they have Facebook."

  After Mark said "Checking in to see how it's going in Bosnia.", Marylin said this. It's a simple sentence, but we need to know the status in Bosnia and previous story until this scene to understand what the phrase truly means.


  Other than that, we talked about American name's abbreviation, English grammar and so on. At next meeting, we are going to take a video of roleplay!


  And I borrowed a book about English grammar from Tanaka-san and I read the first half. It's not so hard to read, and interesting. I expect that It will change my mind of English grammar!


This meeting's Facebook event page is here.