
PechaKucha Night Vol.111 on 2/20

  I attended a presentation event called PechaKucha Night at SuperDeluxe in Roppongi near my office with my colleague. I've always wanted to attend the event, and finally I could.

 六本木の会社の近くのSuperDeluxeというライブハウスのようなところで開催された、PechaKucha Night というプレゼンテーションイベントに同僚と参加してきました。ずっと行きたいと思っていて、やっと行くことができました。

  PechaKucha is Japanese word means chattering. In addition to that, it also means a presentation style in PechaKucha Night. A speaker use 20 image slide, and have 20 seconds for each image, so each speaker has 6 minutes 40 seconds totally. And the image is changed each 20 seconds automatically, so speakers have to speak what they want to say in 400 seconds. It's familiar with Lightning Talks, I guess.

「ぺちゃくちゃ」というのは英語で言う「chattering」を意味する日本語ですが、PechaKucha Nightではそのプレゼンテーションスタイルのことも意味します。スピーカーは20枚のイメージスライドを使って、それぞれ20秒の時間が与えられているので、トータルで6分40秒のプレゼンをします。スライドは20秒ごとに自動的に切り替わるので、スピーカーは400秒の中にプレゼンをおさめないといけません。ライトニングトークに近い感じだと思いますね。

  We arrived at SuperDeluxe just before the beginning time of the event. There were already so many audiences. We bought a beer and waited for the start of the event. PechaKucha Night is organized by non Japanese people, so there were many non Japanese speaker and Audiences.

 SuperDeluxeにはイベント開始直前に到着。すでに大勢の観客がいました。ビールを買って開始まで待機。PechaKucha Night は日本人ではないスタッフに運営されていることもあってか、スピーカーにも観客にも日本人以外の方がたくさんいます。

  The speakers had many kind of themes and styles for the presentations. For instance, English only or English and Japanese mixed style. I couldn't understand the detail of some presentation spoken in English quickly well... I need to raise my listening skill.


  My favorite one of the presentations was Mike's improv presentation. He is a comedian from improv comedy group Pirates of Tokyo Bay. During break time before the presentation, the audiences posted some pictures to Twitter, and the staff chose 20 photos. Of course, Mike didn't know the photos chosen by the staff. And then, he looked at the photos in his presentation and he presented them. It was awesome comedy presentation. All audiences roared with laughter. It was unbelievable he didn't know the photos!

 私のお気に入りプレゼンテーションは、即興コメディグループ パイレーツオブ東京湾のマイクのプレゼン。プレゼン前の休憩タイムに観客がTwitterに投稿した写真からスタッフが20枚選び、マイクは選ばれた写真を知らないまま、プレゼンのときに初めて見て即興でプレゼンするというもので、素晴らしいコメディプレゼンテーションでした。観客もみんな大笑い。彼が選ばれた写真を知らなかったというのが信じられません!

  And moreover, this time was the 11th anniversary of PechaKucha night and volume 111. There were a lot of 1s! So pen rights were handed to audiences from the staff, and we celebrated with it! The pen rights mean so many 1s lol

 さらに、今回はPechaKucha Nightの11周年記念と、第111回。ということでペンライトが観客に配られ、みんなでお祝いしました。ペンライトはたくさんの1を表していますw

Vol.111 !!
  The event was so interesting and I loved it. It's so nice opportunity not only for learning English but also for feeling different culture. I want to go next time again, and someday I want to communicate with other non Japanese audiences in English!!



Co-Edo Morning English on 2/19, Some Youtube Videos

  We watched some Youtube videos at the meeting to learn English. At the first, Chika's Japanagos Channel by Bilingirl Chika.

 今回の朝活では英語の勉強のためのYoutubeビデオをいくつか見ました。まずはバイリンガール チカさんの、Chika's Japanagos Channel の動画。

  The latest video at the time was about Monja. The video was only in English. I couldn't understand what a word "goo" means well. And I thought that I need to read subtitles faster before it disappeared.

 このときの最新の動画はもんじゃについて。この動画は英語オンリー。動画の中で使われている、"goo" という単語がよくわかりませんでした。あと英語字幕が消える前に読めるように早く読む必要があるなーと思いました。

  The next video was about Valentine's Day. She explained about Japanese Valentine's Day in the video. I could understand what she said generally, but I wasn't able to catch the detail. If I stuck to translate a phrase to Japanese, the video had already gone while I was translating... I need to be able to understand English phrases directly without translation.


  And the other Youtube channel, English From Zero. We found the channel in the meeting. We watched the video about bad English words.

 Youtubeの他のチャンネルで、English From Zeroというチャンネルの動画も見ました。今回探して初めてみつけたチャンネルです。英語の汚い言葉についての動画を見ました。

  Although I guess I shouldn't say the phrases he introduced here, it was so funny and useful. Of course I shouldn't use the words easily. If any English speaker watch the video, they might think "what the hell is he teaching to Japanese!?", I guess lol But it's important to know what word is bad in English.

 ここで彼が紹介してたフレーズは言わないでおいた方が良いと思いますが、とても面白くて参考になる動画でした。もちろん紹介されてた言葉は気軽に使うべきではないですけど。。もし英語圏の人がこの動画を見たら、一体彼は何を日本人に教えてるんだ!?と思うんじゃないかとw でもどの言葉が汚い言葉なのかを知っておくことも大切だと思います。

  Anyway, the members were only 3 this time again. We are considering better ways to learn English at the meeting, but we've never found it yet. I hope a couple of members join us other than usual 3 members.



Co-Edo Morning English on 2/12, Some Small Talks

  The members were only Tanaka-san, Hassy and me this time. So we had some small talks in Japanese about learning English.


  Tanaka-san and I read a book titled "Japanese English(Nihonjin no Eigo)" before. We think the book helps us to learn and talk English. it tells us the logic and sense of English speakers. Knowing how native speaker think when they speak English is so important rather than memorising some phrases. I think I should read it again later.


  And I introduced a web service named "readfa.st". The web service is for reading English articles faster. There are some English articles at the site. When we read them, a part of an article is focused and it will gradually move automatically at the speed we decided. We can't read back previous part. We should read and understand one after another. By repeating this practice, we can read English article faster.


  There are many method for learning English. I should consider which is better for me well. And once I decided which method I take, I need to focus it. And sometimes, I should review it and consider that whether the method is still good for me or not.
