
Co-Edo Morning English on 1/15, Haru's Workshop

(2014.1.21 追記) あらまきさんに添削していただいたので、修正箇所がわかるように反映しました。Thank you so mcuh, Haru!!

Hassy is explaining the picture he drew!
  This time, we did had the workshop by Aramaki san (Haru). He used to teach English by the method before. Students who are going to study abroad often try the this method, he said.


  After short self-introduction, we started the workshop. It is consists of some steps like followings.
  1. Listen to a story read in English.
  2. Get pair and draw picture based on the contents we listened to.
  3. Explain the picture we drew.
  4. Check and mark the part we couldn't catch or understand.
  5. Do slashed reading with the story read in English.
  6. Research means and pronunciations of the words which we couldn't understand.
  7. Over-wrap the story read in English.
  1. 英語の音声を聞き取る
  2. ペアを組んで聞き取った内容を絵に描く
  3. 絵の内容を説明する
  4. 聞き取れなかったところ、わからなかったところをチェックする
  5. 再度音声を聞きながらスラッシュリーディング
  6. 言葉の意味や発音を調べる
  7. オーバーラッピング
  We used the book "Apollo 13" by of Penguin Readers for the method. It is not so hard content because it is graded at level 2 in Penguin Readers. But it was difficult to listen without scripts and drew a picture. I couldn't understand well especially about people's names and their relations. And other than English, I need to learn drawing pictures, I guess lol


  We only use English during the workshop. We communicate with each other only in English. Of course, listening part is good training. But discussing with another member at the step 2 and explaining the picture at the step 3 is so nice effective practice for me. And it's important to imagine the content of conversation as a view in actual conversation to understand it.


  We might had have the workshop again. I'm looking forward to next time. Thanks, Haru!


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