
Co-Edo Morning English on 6/11, It's been a while!

(2014.06.12 追記)Danielさんに添削していただいたので指摘箇所がわかるように反映しました。Thank you so much, Daniel!!
  It was the first time attending the this meeting since I last attended one three weeks ago. I was absent from the meeting for two weeks because I had been swamped with work.

  We were just only two members this time, Tanaka san and me. Then we watched a presentation video of WWDC. I wanted to watch the video but I didn't have time to do it, so it was good opportunity to watch it.

  Although I was interested in the contents of WWDC, it was hard to understand all of the presentation. Of cause it was natural speed English speaking and not for English learners. I'd like to watch it again and try to listen the speaking.

 I'm interested in the new version of MacOS and iOS since I'm a Macbook Air user. And I'm especially be interested in the new programming language "Swift". I've always wanted to try creating an iOS application. But but Objective-C looks so complicated. Swift seems simple. I'll try creating apps with Swift. I don't still have any iOS devices anymore though..

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