
Co-Edo Morning English on 11/20

  At first, we talked with Daniel in Thailand via Skype. It was the first time meeting for Yuki-san and Inoue-san with Daniel. So main topic was their introductions. Thank you always for joining, Daniel!! And it was Inoue-san's first time joining in the Morning English. Welcome!!


Trying roleplay.
  After that, we started trying roleplay of the movie "Social Network". It was a scene of conversation with Mark Zuckerberg and Marylin Delpy. It was not so long scene, but Mark is so fast speaker! It's too hard to follow him even if I read a script! Oh, it's the speed of native speaker... We need memorize the words to follow him. So we will memorize the words of the scene by next meeting, and play it!

 そのあとは映画「ソーシャルネットワーク」のロールプレイに挑戦。Mark Zuckerberg と Marylin Delpy の会話のシーンです。そんなに長いシーンではないんですが、Markすごい早口!スクリプト読みながらでもついていけません!これがネイティブスピーカーのスピードか・・・。ついていくにはセリフを覚える必要がある、ということで次回までにこのシーンのセリフを覚えて演じます!

Handmade pie!!
 And as special, Yuki-san brought pies for the meeting. Her handmade pies! It was so delicious. Thank you so much, Yuki-san!! I'm looking forward to it again next time lol


Facebook event page of the English Morning Talks is here.

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