
Happy New Year !! Paid A Visit To A Shrine

  Happy New Year, all!! 2014 has started. 2013 was a good year about learning English for me. I guess I made a habit of learning English, so I hope to make a habit of speaking in English.


  I paid a visit to a shrine near my house with my wife right after 2014 has started. It's a small shrine but many people were getting in the line for paying a visit and Ohayashi has been playing. Ohayashi is Japanese traditional playing for festival.


  After we paid a visit, we drew our fortunes. It's Omikuji in Japanese. I got lucky in the end (sue-kichi), and my wife got best luck (dai kichi)! I envy her, but it's okay since I got lucky for that my wallet is always warm at a TV program "2355-0655 Special"!! I hope it become truth lol

 参拝の後、おみくじをひきました。私は末吉でしたが妻は大吉!うらやましいですが、いいんです。TV番組の「2355-0655 年越しスペシャル」で「ふところ常夏吉」を引いたのでw 実現するといいなー

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