
English Lightning Talk Event

  I attended the English LT event as a speaker. LT stands for the Lightning Talk. It's a sort of short presentation style and familiar with engineers because many LT session is held in many conferences and seminars for engineers. But almost all of them are in Japanese. So we held the event to have a chance to present in English. We talked in English at not only the presentations, but also Q&A and chatting.


Hassy introduced his own web service Peraichi!
  I was late to get to the Co-Edo caused by my work so I couldn't watch all the presentations, but the presenters I could see their presentations were so nice. The theme of the presentations were in the so wide range. For instance, about their own web services, domestic printing company, and repairing cracked iPhone display and so on.


Urasoko san's talk!
  My presentation's theme was the Co-Edo Morning English. I introduced the meeting by some photos that I took. My presentation's style was PechaKucha style. I used 20 slides and they were changed automatically each 15 seconds(Actual PechaKucha style has 20 seconds). It was hard to say all I wanted to talk in that style. Actually I couldn't speak all I prepared. But it's okay because nobody knows perfect script I wanted to talk in the presentation lol And it's also good point that I don't need to care operating PC to change the slides. Of cause it's effective training to talk within a specified period of time.

He's sixteen year-old genius!
 私のプレゼンのテーマはCo-Edo英語朝活。私が撮った写真を使って朝活を紹介しました。私のプレゼンのスタイルはPechaKuchaスタイルで、20枚のスライドを使ってそれぞれ15秒(実際のPechaKuchaスタイルは20秒)で自動的に切り替わって行くものですが、時間内に言いたいことを全部言うのは難しかったですね。実際すべては話せませんでした。でもそれもOKです。私が言いたかったことを正確に知ってる人は誰もいませんしw それにこのスタイルだとスライドを切り替えるためのPCの操作を気にする必要がないのもいいところだと思います。もちろん時間内に話すための効果的なトレーニングになると思います。

  The English LT event will be held again, so I'd like to attend as a speaker again. I need to consider the theme of my presentation from now...


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