
Co-Edo Morning English on 6/11, It's been a while!

(2014.06.12 追記)Danielさんに添削していただいたので指摘箇所がわかるように反映しました。Thank you so much, Daniel!!
  It was the first time attending the this meeting since I last attended one three weeks ago. I was absent from the meeting for two weeks because I had been swamped with work.

  We were just only two members this time, Tanaka san and me. Then we watched a presentation video of WWDC. I wanted to watch the video but I didn't have time to do it, so it was good opportunity to watch it.

  Although I was interested in the contents of WWDC, it was hard to understand all of the presentation. Of cause it was natural speed English speaking and not for English learners. I'd like to watch it again and try to listen the speaking.

 I'm interested in the new version of MacOS and iOS since I'm a Macbook Air user. And I'm especially be interested in the new programming language "Swift". I've always wanted to try creating an iOS application. But but Objective-C looks so complicated. Swift seems simple. I'll try creating apps with Swift. I don't still have any iOS devices anymore though..


Co-Edo Morning English on 5/14, Aizuchi And Let It Go

  I introduced a video on YouTube this time. It was by Micaela. The main theme of the video was Aizuchi. Aizuchi means giving responses while we are talking.


  It was so interesting theme. It's very common to give responses many times for Japanese while we are talking. But it's not comfortable for non Japanese people. They feel like that they are bothered or rushed their speaking by given response many times. In my case, even when I speak English, I say "I see", "yeah", "that's good" and so on many times like when I speak Japanese. I need to care not only speaking English words but also thinking how non Japanese people feel my speaking.

 これはとてもおもしろいテーマでした。日本人にとっては会話の中で相槌を多用するのは普通なことですが、日本人でない人にとっては相槌が自分の話を邪魔したり急かしているように思えて、不快に感じるものなのだそう。私の場合、英語で話しているときでも「I see」とか「yeah」などを日本語で話しているときのように多用してしまっているので、英語を話すということだけでなく、自分の話し方を日本人でない方がどう感じるか気をつけないといけないですね。

  We also watched another video, "Let it go" from Frozen, since Tanaka san heard which song is nice and be interested.

 あと他に、田中さんが Frozen の Let it go が良いと友達からきいて興味があるということで、そのビデオを見ました。

  Although I've never watched the movie, I already watched that music video on YouTube many times because I love it. The lyrics is so nice and interesting. For example, I like the phrase "Let the storm rage on. The cold never bothered me anyway". It means "let them say what they want".  And another phrase, "Here I stand and here I'll stay". I felt it was a rhyme. And the phrase changes at the last part of the song to "Here I stand in the light of the day". I also like that change very much. These phrases are so interesting, so I prefer English version to Japanese version. I also like Japanese version, though.

 私は映画は見てないのですが、この曲は好きでミュージックビデオはYouTubeで何回も見ました。歌詞も素晴らしくて、また興味深いものです。例えば、「Let the storm rage on. The cold never bothered me anyway.」というフレーズ。これは直訳だと「嵐には暴れさせておけばいい。寒さが気になったことはない」というような感じですが、ここでの表現としては「言いたい人には言わせておけばいい。どうってことない。」というようなことを表しています。あと他のフレーズで、「Here I stand and here I'll stay. 」というのが韻を踏んでいるように思えました。また、その歌詞が最後の方では「Here I stand in the light of the day. 」に変化するところも好きですね。こういった表現がおもしろいので、私は英語バージョンの方が好きです。日本語バージョンも好きなんですけどね。

  Actually, I watched the other video before I watched this official music video. It was made by Bilingirl Chika.

 実は私はこのオフィシャルのミュージックビデオを見るより前に、バイリンガール チカさんのビデオを見ました。

  She sang "Let it go" and described the lyrics of the song in the video. I still didn't watched the official video when I watched her video. It was so nice. Her explanation was easy to understand for me. It was about not only direct translation but also what those phrases mean. I was interested in the song by her video, and I watched official one. Of course, Chika was also nice singer.

 チカさんが Let it go を歌って、歌詞を解説しているビデオです。このビデオを見たときはまだオフィシャルのビデオは見ていなかったのですが、これがとても良くて、解説がとてもわかりやすかったです。直訳だけではなくてどういったことを表現しているかも説明してくれていました。このビデオでこの歌に興味を持って、オフィシャルのビデオを見ました。もちろん、チカさんの歌も良かったですよ。

  Knowing English phrases and non Japanese culture is interesting. Especially, understanding non Japanese culture is more important rather than  correct grammar, I think. And it helps me improving English skills.


 And I heard the song "Let it go" in Mr. Donuts where I'm blogging now lol

 と、書いているミスドの店内でも Let it go がw


Co-Edo Morning English on 4/23, With My Colleague!

  I invited my colleague, Kohei san, to Co-Edo Morning English and he joined us this time! On the day before the meeting, he told me that he met with Hassy at an event last Saturday. When they exchanged their business cards, Hassy knew that Kohei san and I work at same company, and Hassy invited Kohei san to morning meetings at Co-Edo. So I also invited him to the Morning English meeting.


  This time's first-timer was only Kohei san. Other members are Tanaka san, Yamada san and me. We got started with introducing ourselves except for me because I and Kohei san already know each other.


  Kohei san worked in Singapore for one year before, and he'v been working in Tokyo now since about one year ago. He speaks English because he worked with foreign employees in Singapore. But after he came back to Japan, he doesn't have so much opportunities to speak English. So he joined us to make chances to use English.


  We had casual conversations for some topics. And we didn't make pairs to talk this time because we were only four members and we enjoyed group talk enough. If we have more members next time, we might make pairs to increase each speaking time.


  It was the first time for me attending an event at Co-Edo with my colleague. And I was glad to hear that Kohei san enjoyed the meeting! I hope that he attend the meeting next time again.


  Anyway, next Co-Edo Morning English will be held on May 7th. We'll skip next week's meeting because it will be in Japanese holiday week. See you guys next meeting!



Co-Edo Morning English on 4/16, Certification Examination

  We were only regular members this time. We talked about some topics at first, and then Yamamoto san asked us a question. "Are you all interested in taking certification exam?" Yamamoto san isn't an engineer, but he's interested in taking IPA certification exam, and he'd already passed some exams. In addition to that he'll take Database Specialist exam of IPA this weekend. That's great! IPA stands for Information-technology Promotion Agency. They offer some kind of exams for engineers. It's hard to pass the exams even if we are engineers.

 今回はレギュラーメンバーのみでした。最初にいくつかのトピックスについて話した後、山本さんから質問がありました。「資格試験に興味はありますか?」 山本さんはエンジニアではありませんが、IPAの資格試験に興味を持っていて、すでにいくつかの試験をパスしているとのこと。さらに今週末にIPAのデータベーススペシャリスト試験を受けるそう。すごいですね。IPAは Information-technology Promotion Agency の略で、エンジニア向けの試験を提供していますが、エンジニアであっても合格するのは結構難しいと思います。

  I also took some exams of IPA about eight years ago. I passed Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Examination, Software Design & Development Engineer Examination, and Application System Engineer Examination. It was hard to take exams, especially writing short essay was tough.


  Except for Yamamoto san, we were all engineers at this meeting. So we talked a lot about certification examination. Most of the web service companies don't care certification exam. The most important thing is actual coding skill of engineers in many cases. IPA's certification exam's questions are about wide range of fundamental information technology. And the certification doesn't show actual development skill directory. So we don't care about certification especially at not so big web service company.


  But I don't think it's not meaningful to take certification exams for engineers. It's good tools to learn fundamental technology. In my case, I didn't study computer science and fundamental technology before I joined the first company so I learned part of them by studying for examinations.


  Recently we can make services without deep knowledge by tracing tutorials and some articles about the softwears  we use. It's okay to provide not so huge service. But I think it's important to know the detail of the technologies especially when we provide services for so many users or we meet any technical problems. Sometimes whether we know under the hood have an influence over the service's quality.


  Anyway, we'll try to make pairs and have one-on-one conversations to increase each English speaking time.



Co-Edo Morning English on 4/9, With Two First-timers!

(2014.04.23 追記) 柳田さんにご指摘いただいた内容を反映しました。Thank you so much, Yanagida san!!

  This time, we had two first-timers. Kikkawa san is Yamamoto san's friend and they were colleagues before they told that they worked together before. They met They happened to meet in the morning at a cafe near Co-Edo, and Yamamoto san invited Kikkawa san to Co-Edo Morning English Talks. I heard that he was hesitated to join the Morning English but he enjoyed the meeting. I'm glad to hear that. He had been worked abroad for more than ten years so he speaks English fluently.


  Yanagida san is an individual softwear engineer and usually works at home. It's good that he don't need to care about commuting everyday. He got an MBA at Duke University in North Carolina so he lived in the US for two years. Great! So he also speak English fluently.


  Kikkawa san is a Christian, and he recommended us reading the Bible in English for learning English. He leads the Bible reading group every week. He said that the Bible is the best seller in the world, and even if you aren't Christian, it's good for learning English and keeping your heart calm. And he also said that the Bible in Japanese is translated from other language, so it's good to see the articles from another angle. Although I've never read the Bible, it looks interesting.


  And most of the members of the Morning English Meeting have experience living abroad for many years. I also want to go abroad if I have a chance.



English Lightning Talk Event

  I attended the English LT event as a speaker. LT stands for the Lightning Talk. It's a sort of short presentation style and familiar with engineers because many LT session is held in many conferences and seminars for engineers. But almost all of them are in Japanese. So we held the event to have a chance to present in English. We talked in English at not only the presentations, but also Q&A and chatting.


Hassy introduced his own web service Peraichi!
  I was late to get to the Co-Edo caused by my work so I couldn't watch all the presentations, but the presenters I could see their presentations were so nice. The theme of the presentations were in the so wide range. For instance, about their own web services, domestic printing company, and repairing cracked iPhone display and so on.


Urasoko san's talk!
  My presentation's theme was the Co-Edo Morning English. I introduced the meeting by some photos that I took. My presentation's style was PechaKucha style. I used 20 slides and they were changed automatically each 15 seconds(Actual PechaKucha style has 20 seconds). It was hard to say all I wanted to talk in that style. Actually I couldn't speak all I prepared. But it's okay because nobody knows perfect script I wanted to talk in the presentation lol And it's also good point that I don't need to care operating PC to change the slides. Of cause it's effective training to talk within a specified period of time.

He's sixteen year-old genius!
 私のプレゼンのテーマはCo-Edo英語朝活。私が撮った写真を使って朝活を紹介しました。私のプレゼンのスタイルはPechaKuchaスタイルで、20枚のスライドを使ってそれぞれ15秒(実際のPechaKuchaスタイルは20秒)で自動的に切り替わって行くものですが、時間内に言いたいことを全部言うのは難しかったですね。実際すべては話せませんでした。でもそれもOKです。私が言いたかったことを正確に知ってる人は誰もいませんしw それにこのスタイルだとスライドを切り替えるためのPCの操作を気にする必要がないのもいいところだと思います。もちろん時間内に話すための効果的なトレーニングになると思います。

  The English LT event will be held again, so I'd like to attend as a speaker again. I need to consider the theme of my presentation from now...



Co-Edo Morning English on 4/2, The BiblioBattle And The Registance

  As I mentioned before, we did the BiblioBattle this week. Yamamoto san and Sasada san presented about their recommended book.


  Yamamoto san's recommendation is "Sato Kashiwa's Creative Thinking". Sato Kashiwa is a designer. The book introduces his work and his thoughts. I'm interested in the book. I want to be a creative person by reading the book lol


  Sasada san introduced "Hyakushiki Eitango". The book is for English learners to memorize English words. Sasada san studies by the method introduced in the book everyday. Hyakushiki means Japanese Kuku plus one.


  After each presentation, We discussed about the book. Presenting in English is of cause difficult. And doing Q&A in English is harder than that because we can't prepare a script for Q&A. Both presentation and Q&A is effective training. I'd like to try BiblioBattle next week if I could prepare.


I wasn't a spy!
  And at the last of the meeting, we played the game The Resistance. Arai san taught us that game. The game is like Werewolf game. We need to find the spies to win the game. We only had a short time to play the game this time, but it was interesting. I hope to play longer next time.



Co-Edo Morning English on 3/26, Introducing BiblioBattle

BiblioBattle Official Site
  Yamamoto san intoroduced us the BiblioBattle this time. It's a kind of the presentation battle. Each speaker presents about a book who recommends with no slide and no resume. Speakers need to explain why they recommend it by only their talking in five minutes. After each presentation, attendees discuss about the presentation for several minutes. And after all presentation has been finished, each attendee votes for the book who wants to read. The book which collected the most vote becomes the champion book.


  I think it's interesting. It will be an effective method to practice English presentation. Yamamoto san and a couple of the other members will do the BiblioBattle next week. I'm looking forward to watch the battle as an audience. Of course I also want to join the battle, but I can't have time to prepare the presentation of BiblioBattle by next week. Because I'll attend an English LT event as a speaker on next week's Wednesday. So I need to prepare for the LT event instead of the BiblioBattle.

 英語プレゼンの効果的な練習になりそうですし、おもしろそうだと思いました。山本さんと他の数名が次回のCo-Edo Morning EnglishでBiblioBattleをやる予定です。私も見る側として参加するのを楽しみにしてます。もちろんできればバトルに加わりたいんですが、次週までには準備の時間がとれなそう。次回の朝活の日の夜に英語LTイベントにスピーカーとして参加するので、そちらの用意をしなくてはならないので。

  I heard some recommendation books from other members at the meeting. They were not only technical books, but also business books. It had a wide variety. I suppose that the BiblioBattle will be an interesting presentation battle at Co-Edo. I need to remember my recommendation book.



Co-Edo Morning English on 3/19, Via Skype! And Graduation Ceremony

  It was the first-time attending via Skype for me. I couldn't go to Co-Edo this time because I would attend my son's kindergarten graduation ceremony. So I attended Morning English via Skype.


  My network condition was not so good because I was in a room separated from an wireless LAN modem. The network was choppy. So it was not so comfortable. But I was happy to attended Morning English. Although I'd been the meeting only for 30 minutes, I enjoyed talking with Tanaka san and Shimon san in English.


  After the meeting, I attended the graduation ceremony. During the ceremony, I had been taking a movie from the back of the hall with other many fathers. So I couldn't take any photos. Anyway I was happy that my son graduated the kindergarten without any big trouble.

 ミーティングの後に卒園式に出席。式の間は後ろからずっと他の多くのお父さん方に混じってビデオを撮ってたので、写真は撮れず。 ともあれ大きなトラブルなく無事に卒園してくれてほっとしました。

Lunch time after the ceremony
at Hoshino coffee.
  My daughter will be a third grade elementary school student. So both my kids will go to the elementary school from this April. I hope they graduate the elementary school without any big trouble again!



Co-Edo Morning English on 3/12, Welcome First-timers!

  This time, we had three first-timers! And we were six members in all. It's the largest number of members in recent Morning English Talks. It was a nice meeting than when we were few members.


  We introduced ourselves at first as usual. Sasada san is just about to start learning English and he'll take next TOEIC test. I hope it will go well, and let's learn English together!


  Yamada san is called Simon because his first name is Shimon. He had been Australia for one year and New Zealand for one year. So he speak English well. And he's a Ruby engineer and he's interested in event of Ruby. I'd like to go to next event with him.


  Sugaya san is working with native English speaker each weekend. So he hope to improve his English skill.


  We had a good conversation in English. I hope we can have a meeting with five or six members constantly. And I also think we should consider how do we have a meeting after self-introduction.


 Anyway although it's still just a thought, I'll attend an English LT event at Co-Edo as a speaker. I'm considering the theme of the LT. I might speak about Co-Edo Morning English.



Co-Edo Morning English on 3/5, Talk in English All

  Usually we talk in Japanese at the start of the meeting. We greet and have small talks in Japanese. And after some member gathered, we start talking in English. But in this way, we don't have any good trigger to change language from Japanese to English especially when we are few members. So we talked all in English from the first greeting this time.


  When I tried it, I was noticed that having small talks in English, we had in Japanese before, is good training for me. Even if it's easy to say in Japanese, it's difficult to say in English. But trying to say in English many many times is the way to be able to speak English, I guess. And the meeting is rare chance to talk in English, so we should talk in English as long as possible.


  And this time, we discussed about holding an event in English. It's also effective training to have real discussion in English. Our objective is learning English at the meeting so we are trying to find how to learn English. But using English for other objective is also good training to learn English. 



Co-Edo Morning English on 2/26, New Members!

  Two new members joined us! We were four members, and two of us were first timer. So we introduced ourselves and talked about each background.


  Yamamoto san had worked in Jordan for two years and in San Francisco for five years. Totally he had worked abroad for seven years. So he speaks English. Currently he is working in Tokyo. We looked at some photos of the city he lived in the US. There were very American big houses. So cool! He have been working at one company after he graduated college and his retirement is closing up in a couple of years.


  Ueda san lives in Osaka and he runs an IT company in Osaka. He was in Tokyo for an event of WordPress that day. He was an engineer of Nomad which is one of the 4th generation programming languages before, and he had presented in the US about it.


  And we heard about Tanaka san's previous job again. I meet with Tanaka san every week but I didn't know his previous job well. So it was interesting.


  It was interesting to talk with new member about their background. It is big advantage of attending an English event to meet with many people they work on their field I don't know well. And then, communication and logical thinking skill is important as same as English skill, I guess.



PechaKucha Night Vol.111 on 2/20

  I attended a presentation event called PechaKucha Night at SuperDeluxe in Roppongi near my office with my colleague. I've always wanted to attend the event, and finally I could.

 六本木の会社の近くのSuperDeluxeというライブハウスのようなところで開催された、PechaKucha Night というプレゼンテーションイベントに同僚と参加してきました。ずっと行きたいと思っていて、やっと行くことができました。

  PechaKucha is Japanese word means chattering. In addition to that, it also means a presentation style in PechaKucha Night. A speaker use 20 image slide, and have 20 seconds for each image, so each speaker has 6 minutes 40 seconds totally. And the image is changed each 20 seconds automatically, so speakers have to speak what they want to say in 400 seconds. It's familiar with Lightning Talks, I guess.

「ぺちゃくちゃ」というのは英語で言う「chattering」を意味する日本語ですが、PechaKucha Nightではそのプレゼンテーションスタイルのことも意味します。スピーカーは20枚のイメージスライドを使って、それぞれ20秒の時間が与えられているので、トータルで6分40秒のプレゼンをします。スライドは20秒ごとに自動的に切り替わるので、スピーカーは400秒の中にプレゼンをおさめないといけません。ライトニングトークに近い感じだと思いますね。

  We arrived at SuperDeluxe just before the beginning time of the event. There were already so many audiences. We bought a beer and waited for the start of the event. PechaKucha Night is organized by non Japanese people, so there were many non Japanese speaker and Audiences.

 SuperDeluxeにはイベント開始直前に到着。すでに大勢の観客がいました。ビールを買って開始まで待機。PechaKucha Night は日本人ではないスタッフに運営されていることもあってか、スピーカーにも観客にも日本人以外の方がたくさんいます。

  The speakers had many kind of themes and styles for the presentations. For instance, English only or English and Japanese mixed style. I couldn't understand the detail of some presentation spoken in English quickly well... I need to raise my listening skill.


  My favorite one of the presentations was Mike's improv presentation. He is a comedian from improv comedy group Pirates of Tokyo Bay. During break time before the presentation, the audiences posted some pictures to Twitter, and the staff chose 20 photos. Of course, Mike didn't know the photos chosen by the staff. And then, he looked at the photos in his presentation and he presented them. It was awesome comedy presentation. All audiences roared with laughter. It was unbelievable he didn't know the photos!

 私のお気に入りプレゼンテーションは、即興コメディグループ パイレーツオブ東京湾のマイクのプレゼン。プレゼン前の休憩タイムに観客がTwitterに投稿した写真からスタッフが20枚選び、マイクは選ばれた写真を知らないまま、プレゼンのときに初めて見て即興でプレゼンするというもので、素晴らしいコメディプレゼンテーションでした。観客もみんな大笑い。彼が選ばれた写真を知らなかったというのが信じられません!

  And moreover, this time was the 11th anniversary of PechaKucha night and volume 111. There were a lot of 1s! So pen rights were handed to audiences from the staff, and we celebrated with it! The pen rights mean so many 1s lol

 さらに、今回はPechaKucha Nightの11周年記念と、第111回。ということでペンライトが観客に配られ、みんなでお祝いしました。ペンライトはたくさんの1を表していますw

Vol.111 !!
  The event was so interesting and I loved it. It's so nice opportunity not only for learning English but also for feeling different culture. I want to go next time again, and someday I want to communicate with other non Japanese audiences in English!!



Co-Edo Morning English on 2/19, Some Youtube Videos

  We watched some Youtube videos at the meeting to learn English. At the first, Chika's Japanagos Channel by Bilingirl Chika.

 今回の朝活では英語の勉強のためのYoutubeビデオをいくつか見ました。まずはバイリンガール チカさんの、Chika's Japanagos Channel の動画。

  The latest video at the time was about Monja. The video was only in English. I couldn't understand what a word "goo" means well. And I thought that I need to read subtitles faster before it disappeared.

 このときの最新の動画はもんじゃについて。この動画は英語オンリー。動画の中で使われている、"goo" という単語がよくわかりませんでした。あと英語字幕が消える前に読めるように早く読む必要があるなーと思いました。

  The next video was about Valentine's Day. She explained about Japanese Valentine's Day in the video. I could understand what she said generally, but I wasn't able to catch the detail. If I stuck to translate a phrase to Japanese, the video had already gone while I was translating... I need to be able to understand English phrases directly without translation.


  And the other Youtube channel, English From Zero. We found the channel in the meeting. We watched the video about bad English words.

 Youtubeの他のチャンネルで、English From Zeroというチャンネルの動画も見ました。今回探して初めてみつけたチャンネルです。英語の汚い言葉についての動画を見ました。

  Although I guess I shouldn't say the phrases he introduced here, it was so funny and useful. Of course I shouldn't use the words easily. If any English speaker watch the video, they might think "what the hell is he teaching to Japanese!?", I guess lol But it's important to know what word is bad in English.

 ここで彼が紹介してたフレーズは言わないでおいた方が良いと思いますが、とても面白くて参考になる動画でした。もちろん紹介されてた言葉は気軽に使うべきではないですけど。。もし英語圏の人がこの動画を見たら、一体彼は何を日本人に教えてるんだ!?と思うんじゃないかとw でもどの言葉が汚い言葉なのかを知っておくことも大切だと思います。

  Anyway, the members were only 3 this time again. We are considering better ways to learn English at the meeting, but we've never found it yet. I hope a couple of members join us other than usual 3 members.



Co-Edo Morning English on 2/12, Some Small Talks

  The members were only Tanaka-san, Hassy and me this time. So we had some small talks in Japanese about learning English.


  Tanaka-san and I read a book titled "Japanese English(Nihonjin no Eigo)" before. We think the book helps us to learn and talk English. it tells us the logic and sense of English speakers. Knowing how native speaker think when they speak English is so important rather than memorising some phrases. I think I should read it again later.


  And I introduced a web service named "readfa.st". The web service is for reading English articles faster. There are some English articles at the site. When we read them, a part of an article is focused and it will gradually move automatically at the speed we decided. We can't read back previous part. We should read and understand one after another. By repeating this practice, we can read English article faster.


  There are many method for learning English. I should consider which is better for me well. And once I decided which method I take, I need to focus it. And sometimes, I should review it and consider that whether the method is still good for me or not.



Co-Edo Morning English on 2/5, Talk with Daniel

(2014.2.6 追記) Danielさんに添削していただいた内容を反映しました。Thank you so much again, Daniel!!

  It was been a long time since we last met with Daniel. We talked with Daniel via Skype this time. He lives in Oregon now, and he often helps up to learn English. Please refer to my previous blog post about talking with Daniel at the previous Morning English Talks if you prefer would like.


  Usually, for our understanding, he types down the phrases that we use in conversation into Skype chat while we are talking. And we share the script with members after the meeting. Followings are this week's phrases that interested me.

  いつもDanielさんはSkypeで話しながら、使っているフレーズをSkype Chatにタイプしてくれるので、終了後にメンバーでシェアしています。今回おもしろいと思ったフレーズには下記のようなものがありました。

  - It was a chain reaction.

  According to a dictionary, it means "a series of events in which each event is the result of the one preceding and the cause of the one following". Tanaka san had cried at the surprise Co-Edo one year anniversary celebration, and his wife also cried. When we were talking about it, Daniel said that it was a chain reaction. I'm interested in I found it interesting that both of Japanese and English use the word which means "chain".


  - He's missing in action. (MIA)

  It originally means someone who was captured in a war, but is still alive. We can use the phrase in casual conversation for someone who doesn't show up. "Recently, he's been missing in action" like that.


  - Standing before the 30 mark.

  "30 mark" means 30 years old. So so the phrase means someone who is about to be 30 years old, but is still 29 years old now.

 このフレーズでの 30 mark は30代を表していて、もうすぐ三十路であるということを表すフレーズです。三十路マークの前に立っている、という言い方が面白いです。

  This time, we had no appointment with Daniel. We contacted Daniel just before we started the meeting, but he was happy to join us. Thank you so much, Daniel!! See you next time!!



Co-Edo Morning English on 1/29, Discussion About Methods for Learning English

(2014.2.1 追記) Danielさんに添削していただいたので、修正箇所がわかるように反映しました。Thank you so mcuh, Daniel!!

  This time, we discussed about methods for learning English. Of course Haru's workshop is good though, but we should try other methods if there are better ways to learn English.


  The key feature of Morning English Meeting is that each member has different schedule and English skill ability. There are some late-comer and some members leave early. And and there are English beginners and fluent English speakers. The method should be one that where all the members can enjoy it and learn by it learning.


  We have 2 hours for the Morning English Meeting every Wednesday. The method, which have has ordered steps that takes 2 hours from start to end, is unfriendly for late-comers. And other and members who need to leave early can't gain effective results of from the current method.


  And at Morning English Meeting, we shouldn't try the way that we can only take do alone. Since it's such a rare chance there are only few chances to speak English, we should talk to each other in English.


 We had have tried several way methods before. For instance, discussion about news topics, playing board games, role playing of the movie "The Social Network", and free talking in language exchange-liked exchange-like style.

 英語朝活ではこれまでにいくつかのやり方を試してみました。例えばニュースのトピックについてディスカッションしたり、ボードゲームをしたり、映画「ソーシャル ネットワーク」のロールプレイをしてみたり、ランゲージ エクスチェンジのスタイルでフリートークをしたりしました。

  In that Among those methods, the one we felt good is was the last one. At that way Using that method, we talked about small different topics in English for 10 minutes or so, and then, we reviewed the conversation in Japanese. I blogged about the meeting before.


  Although it's hard to discover the way which is effective most effective method for all members, I want to try to find that new ways method. Both learning by myself and talking to each other, both of them are so important. And then, how So what should we do next week?



Co-Edo Morning English on 1/22, Haru's Workshop Again

(2014.1.23 追記) あらまきさんに添削していただいたので、修正箇所がわかるように反映しました。Thank you so mcuh again, Haru!!
  We had Haru's workshop last week, and We had it this week again. Please refer to the previous blog post about the steps of the workshop. The members were fewer than last week, we were 4 members including Haru.


  The steps were a bit different from last week's steps. We used the book "Apollo 13" again, but it was shorter than last week's one, shorten from 3 minutes to 1 minutes. And Haru brought a template for drawing pictures. We drew the pictures ourselves, didn't get pair with another member. Also while we explained during explaining the pictures, we recorded our voice,. and later, After that, we wrote down what we spoke with while listening our own recorded voice,. and And then, shared and corrected it with each other with other members.


  I expected that it's not so hard to catch the story. But It was harder than I expected. I completely misunderstood the names of people who were on the story... Both of their names were began from J! It's difficult to catch the names of foreigners or proper noun. Also, I missed some other parts of the story. And I couldn't use idioms which were used in the original script. I need to learn idioms and improve my vocabulary. It will be great help for speaking naturally in English, I guess. (It would help me speak English)



SATURDAY Morning English Tokyo Special Edition on 1/18

  I attended SATURDAY Morning English Tokyo at Geekcafe Suidobashi on 1/18. The meeting is organized by My Eyes Tokyo(MET) every Saturday. The members of MET are my friends, and some other friends attend it. I've always wanted to attend it and this was the first time.

 1/18にギークカフェ水道橋で行われたSATURDAY Morning English Tokyoに参加してきました。My Eyes Tokyo(MET) が主宰で毎週土曜日に行われています。METのメンバーは私の友人で、他にも数人がその朝活に参加しています。ずっと参加したいと思っていて、私は今回が初参加でした。

  It was the special edition of the meeting with special guest Mr. Mike Staffa from Pirates of Tokyo Bay(POTB) the bilingual improv comedy group. A couple of other POTB members Masa san and Rodger were also there.

 今回は特別版ということで、パイレーツオブ東京湾という、バイリンガル即興コメディーグループのMike Staffaさんをゲストに迎えて行われました。他にMasaさんとRodgerさんの二人のメンバーも参加されました。

  At the first part of the meeting, before Mike came there, we introduced ourselves. The attendees had so many kind of background. There were not only Japanese but also foreigners, American, French, Chinese and so on.


  And then, after Mike appeared, the interview with him by MET started. He talked many things of POTB. Their show's style is that they get some theme of play from audiences, and right after that they start improv comedy in English and Japanese.


  In the interview, he talked about that why and how he started Pirates, about the reason he chose improv instead of normal style act, about difference between Japanese audiences and other country's audiences, between Tokyo and Osaka, about his plan this year, etc.


  After the interview, we watched some video of POTB's show on Youtube. I've already known POTB and always wanted to go the theater, but I haven't been there so far.  The interview and videos interested me more, and I should go to the show not only for learning English, but also for having fun, I guess. 


  And then, we had networking time. We talked with other attendees. It had been awhile since I had met with my friends, so I enjoyed talking, and it was the great opportunity to have new nice friends. And Geekcafe is so comfortable space. Thanks, MET, Geekcafe, Mike and all! I hope I can attend the meeting again!

 その後はネットワーキングタイム。久しぶりに会う友人と話したのも楽しかったですし、新しい友達を作るのにもとても良い機会でした。そしてギークカフェもとても快適なスペースでした。MET, ギークカフェ、Mike、そして皆さんに感謝です。また参加したいと思います!


Co-Edo Morning English on 1/15, Haru's Workshop

(2014.1.21 追記) あらまきさんに添削していただいたので、修正箇所がわかるように反映しました。Thank you so mcuh, Haru!!

Hassy is explaining the picture he drew!
  This time, we did had the workshop by Aramaki san (Haru). He used to teach English by the method before. Students who are going to study abroad often try the this method, he said.


  After short self-introduction, we started the workshop. It is consists of some steps like followings.
  1. Listen to a story read in English.
  2. Get pair and draw picture based on the contents we listened to.
  3. Explain the picture we drew.
  4. Check and mark the part we couldn't catch or understand.
  5. Do slashed reading with the story read in English.
  6. Research means and pronunciations of the words which we couldn't understand.
  7. Over-wrap the story read in English.
  1. 英語の音声を聞き取る
  2. ペアを組んで聞き取った内容を絵に描く
  3. 絵の内容を説明する
  4. 聞き取れなかったところ、わからなかったところをチェックする
  5. 再度音声を聞きながらスラッシュリーディング
  6. 言葉の意味や発音を調べる
  7. オーバーラッピング
  We used the book "Apollo 13" by of Penguin Readers for the method. It is not so hard content because it is graded at level 2 in Penguin Readers. But it was difficult to listen without scripts and drew a picture. I couldn't understand well especially about people's names and their relations. And other than English, I need to learn drawing pictures, I guess lol


  We only use English during the workshop. We communicate with each other only in English. Of course, listening part is good training. But discussing with another member at the step 2 and explaining the picture at the step 3 is so nice effective practice for me. And it's important to imagine the content of conversation as a view in actual conversation to understand it.


  We might had have the workshop again. I'm looking forward to next time. Thanks, Haru!



Co-Edo Morning English on 1/8, The First Time in 2014

(1/10 追記) Danielさんが添削してくれたので、修正個所がわかるように反映してみました。
                    Thank you so much, Daniel!!
  I attended the first Morning English ("asakatsu" in Japanese) at Co-Edo this year. The attendees were Tanaka san, Ura san and me.


  Ura san is still finding looking for a nice way to learn how to communicate in English. He wants to improve his communication skills about especially especially about technical topics in English since he's also an engineer.


  In the beginning, we talk about Cafetalk. It's a service for learning languages on Skype in a category which you are interested in. Tanaka san introduced us the service to us since he met the president of Cafetalk a few days ago. They have many lessons in many categories. Other than learning language itself, art, culture, cooking, sport and so on. I guess learning languages with the contents which I'm interested in is a nice way.


  And I guess that Skype English lesson class is also be a great way to learn English. Tanaka san and me are already users of a Skype English lesson service. But Ura san has never tried it. So we tried an actual Rarejob lesson in the meeting with Tanaka san's favorite teacher to introduce the service to Ura san.


  It was also the first group lesson for me on Skype lesson. We talked with the teacher about our Morning English Talks, about why we took the lesson together, about our jobs, about the other Skype English Lessons since I'm a user of Langrich.


  After that, we talked about the merits and demerits advantages and disadvantages of Skype English lessons. The reasonable cost of the service is a great point. It's so low a much lower price than an actual English lesson class. And we can take lessons everyday. It's so useful to come over overcome our fears and to get used to speaking English. But taking only Skype lesson is not enough to improve our English skills. We also have to learn by ourselves to get more vocabularies vocabulary and expressions, and to understand English. In my case, I need to repeat reading some phrases aloud again and again when I learn by myself to use it in an actual conversation. The Skype lesson services are for output, and I also need much more input, I guess.


Oops, I forgot to take the picture of the group lesson...



First Langrich Lesson This Year!!

  I took the first Langrich lesson this year. Langrich is a online English class via Skype. I started it on February last year, and currently I take about two lessons a week.


  At the first lesson this year, I talked about new year days with teacher Nalyn. At the end of the last year, I did "Mochitsuki" with my friends, so I tried to talk about it. But it was difficult... It's hard to explain Japanese culture in English, I guess. So I consider the explanation of "Mochitsuki" in English again.


  As a Japanese traditional event, we pound sticky rice to make rice cakes at the end or beginning of the year. We steam sticky rice on a basket steamer, and put it into a large heavy wooden bowl called "Usu". And we pound it by wooden stick called "Kine".


  After finished pounding, we eat it soon with soy source, seaweed, soybean flour, red bean paste, or grated radish etc. Other than that, we shape the rice cake, dry it, cut into small square pieces, and later we toast and eat it during the beginning of the year.


  Does this make sense? It's slightly short, though. I guess before I explain Japanese culture, I have to know it well.



Happy New Year !! Paid A Visit To A Shrine

  Happy New Year, all!! 2014 has started. 2013 was a good year about learning English for me. I guess I made a habit of learning English, so I hope to make a habit of speaking in English.


  I paid a visit to a shrine near my house with my wife right after 2014 has started. It's a small shrine but many people were getting in the line for paying a visit and Ohayashi has been playing. Ohayashi is Japanese traditional playing for festival.


  After we paid a visit, we drew our fortunes. It's Omikuji in Japanese. I got lucky in the end (sue-kichi), and my wife got best luck (dai kichi)! I envy her, but it's okay since I got lucky for that my wallet is always warm at a TV program "2355-0655 Special"!! I hope it become truth lol

 参拝の後、おみくじをひきました。私は末吉でしたが妻は大吉!うらやましいですが、いいんです。TV番組の「2355-0655 年越しスペシャル」で「ふところ常夏吉」を引いたのでw 実現するといいなー