
Co-Edo Morning English on 11/20

  At first, we talked with Daniel in Thailand via Skype. It was the first time meeting for Yuki-san and Inoue-san with Daniel. So main topic was their introductions. Thank you always for joining, Daniel!! And it was Inoue-san's first time joining in the Morning English. Welcome!!


Trying roleplay.
  After that, we started trying roleplay of the movie "Social Network". It was a scene of conversation with Mark Zuckerberg and Marylin Delpy. It was not so long scene, but Mark is so fast speaker! It's too hard to follow him even if I read a script! Oh, it's the speed of native speaker... We need memorize the words to follow him. So we will memorize the words of the scene by next meeting, and play it!

 そのあとは映画「ソーシャルネットワーク」のロールプレイに挑戦。Mark Zuckerberg と Marylin Delpy の会話のシーンです。そんなに長いシーンではないんですが、Markすごい早口!スクリプト読みながらでもついていけません!これがネイティブスピーカーのスピードか・・・。ついていくにはセリフを覚える必要がある、ということで次回までにこのシーンのセリフを覚えて演じます!

Handmade pie!!
 And as special, Yuki-san brought pies for the meeting. Her handmade pies! It was so delicious. Thank you so much, Yuki-san!! I'm looking forward to it again next time lol


Facebook event page of the English Morning Talks is here.


Co-Edo Morning English on 11/13

Okano-san is describing IT system using whiteboard.
  We didn't have skype talk since Daniel was absent the meeting. See you next time, Daniel!


  Anyway, some IT engineers including me attend Morning English every week. Our work is not understood well by others. So we tried describe our work to Yuki-san at the meeting. She is not a engineer. It was so hard to describe in English. In the first place, it's hard even in Japanese. Although we mixed some Japanese word, Yuki-san understood our work. And it is good training to learn English, I thought.


 After that, we watched some part of a movie "Social Network". Of course in English. Mark Zuckerberg is a so fast talker!! I couldn't understand what he meant especially his long speech... We are going to try roleplay of the movie. I need to practice so hard...

 そのあとは映画「ソーシャルネットワーク」を少し見ました。もちろん英語で。マーク・ザッカーバーグ超早口!特に彼の長台詞では何言ってるかわかりませんでした。。 この映画のロールプレイをやる予定なので、頑張って練習しないといけませんね。。