
Co-Edo Morning English on 4/2, The BiblioBattle And The Registance

  As I mentioned before, we did the BiblioBattle this week. Yamamoto san and Sasada san presented about their recommended book.


  Yamamoto san's recommendation is "Sato Kashiwa's Creative Thinking". Sato Kashiwa is a designer. The book introduces his work and his thoughts. I'm interested in the book. I want to be a creative person by reading the book lol


  Sasada san introduced "Hyakushiki Eitango". The book is for English learners to memorize English words. Sasada san studies by the method introduced in the book everyday. Hyakushiki means Japanese Kuku plus one.


  After each presentation, We discussed about the book. Presenting in English is of cause difficult. And doing Q&A in English is harder than that because we can't prepare a script for Q&A. Both presentation and Q&A is effective training. I'd like to try BiblioBattle next week if I could prepare.


I wasn't a spy!
  And at the last of the meeting, we played the game The Resistance. Arai san taught us that game. The game is like Werewolf game. We need to find the spies to win the game. We only had a short time to play the game this time, but it was interesting. I hope to play longer next time.



Co-Edo Morning English on 3/26, Introducing BiblioBattle

BiblioBattle Official Site
  Yamamoto san intoroduced us the BiblioBattle this time. It's a kind of the presentation battle. Each speaker presents about a book who recommends with no slide and no resume. Speakers need to explain why they recommend it by only their talking in five minutes. After each presentation, attendees discuss about the presentation for several minutes. And after all presentation has been finished, each attendee votes for the book who wants to read. The book which collected the most vote becomes the champion book.


  I think it's interesting. It will be an effective method to practice English presentation. Yamamoto san and a couple of the other members will do the BiblioBattle next week. I'm looking forward to watch the battle as an audience. Of course I also want to join the battle, but I can't have time to prepare the presentation of BiblioBattle by next week. Because I'll attend an English LT event as a speaker on next week's Wednesday. So I need to prepare for the LT event instead of the BiblioBattle.

 英語プレゼンの効果的な練習になりそうですし、おもしろそうだと思いました。山本さんと他の数名が次回のCo-Edo Morning EnglishでBiblioBattleをやる予定です。私も見る側として参加するのを楽しみにしてます。もちろんできればバトルに加わりたいんですが、次週までには準備の時間がとれなそう。次回の朝活の日の夜に英語LTイベントにスピーカーとして参加するので、そちらの用意をしなくてはならないので。

  I heard some recommendation books from other members at the meeting. They were not only technical books, but also business books. It had a wide variety. I suppose that the BiblioBattle will be an interesting presentation battle at Co-Edo. I need to remember my recommendation book.
