
Co-Edo Morning English on 1/29, Discussion About Methods for Learning English

(2014.2.1 追記) Danielさんに添削していただいたので、修正箇所がわかるように反映しました。Thank you so mcuh, Daniel!!

  This time, we discussed about methods for learning English. Of course Haru's workshop is good though, but we should try other methods if there are better ways to learn English.


  The key feature of Morning English Meeting is that each member has different schedule and English skill ability. There are some late-comer and some members leave early. And and there are English beginners and fluent English speakers. The method should be one that where all the members can enjoy it and learn by it learning.


  We have 2 hours for the Morning English Meeting every Wednesday. The method, which have has ordered steps that takes 2 hours from start to end, is unfriendly for late-comers. And other and members who need to leave early can't gain effective results of from the current method.


  And at Morning English Meeting, we shouldn't try the way that we can only take do alone. Since it's such a rare chance there are only few chances to speak English, we should talk to each other in English.


 We had have tried several way methods before. For instance, discussion about news topics, playing board games, role playing of the movie "The Social Network", and free talking in language exchange-liked exchange-like style.

 英語朝活ではこれまでにいくつかのやり方を試してみました。例えばニュースのトピックについてディスカッションしたり、ボードゲームをしたり、映画「ソーシャル ネットワーク」のロールプレイをしてみたり、ランゲージ エクスチェンジのスタイルでフリートークをしたりしました。

  In that Among those methods, the one we felt good is was the last one. At that way Using that method, we talked about small different topics in English for 10 minutes or so, and then, we reviewed the conversation in Japanese. I blogged about the meeting before.


  Although it's hard to discover the way which is effective most effective method for all members, I want to try to find that new ways method. Both learning by myself and talking to each other, both of them are so important. And then, how So what should we do next week?
